The Millennium School celebrates GANIT Week

As per the directive of C.B.S.E ,The Millennium School celebrated the GANIT(Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovations and Training)Week from 16th to 20th December 2014.This week was celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Shri Srinivasa Ramanujan, the eminent mathematician.

To initiate the GANIT Week, origami competition was organized for class VIth students on the 16th December, where they displayed the amalgamation of use of Maths and their creative skills. On 17th December, a talk on life and achievements of Shri Srinivasa Ramanujan was given by class IXth student, Khushi Banka.

To continue with the celebrations, the students of IXth – Xth participated quite earnestly in the quiz contest held at the school on the same day. Their gusto was quite evident with the level of their knowledge and participation.

Class VIIth – VIIIth penned down their diverse thoughts on the topic, “Life is beautiful with Maths”, in the essay competition held for them on 18th December. The week came to an end with the poster making competition for classes VIth to Xth on 19th December. The topic they had to portray was “Shapes in real life”. The students came out with rare ingenuity depicting examples of shapes in our day to day life. The Principal of the school, Dr. Manjula Goswami , also addressed the students and elaborated upon the importance of Mathematics in our daily lives.

Saturday, December 27, 2014