Welcome Assembly 2024

Welcome Assembly 2024

The start of a new academic session brings with it a sense of renewal, energizing both students and educators alike with the promise of fresh opportunities and growth.
With great enthusiasm and determination, The Millennium School, Amritsar, launched into the new academic session 2024-25. The faculty orchestrated a dynamic welcome assembly, commencing with a heartfelt prayer that set a tone of reflection and inspiration. This was followed by the introduction of the 'word of the day,' aimed at igniting curiosity and expanding young minds. Uplifting thoughts were shared, fostering a sense of positivity and possibility among all present. The assembly reached its crescendo with a lively play enactment, encapsulating the spirit of excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead.
Our esteemed Principal took the stage, addressing the eager young learners with words of encouragement and motivation. Emphasizing the importance of self-discovery and growth, she urged students to explore their potential and embrace the myriad opportunities that lay before them in the coming year. With her guidance, the stage is set for a year filled with learning, discovery, and personal development.

Friday, April 12, 2024