CIR - 12

TMS/CIR-12/18-19                                                                      Date: 19th June 2018

Dear Parents, Greetings!

It’s a well-known fact that children love creating and telling stories. They have their own amazing ideas, their own ways of sharing incidents. Thus, the event planned for Ready |To Fly is “ Tell A Story ” this month on 29th June, 2018 , i.e. Thursday  wherein the children are required to narrate any short  story with a moral.


1) Time Limit: 2-3 minutes

2) Props may be used to enhance the overall effect, but children have to wear their regular school uniform only.

3) Criteria for the judgment will be as follows:

 a) Props         b) Content        c) Pronunciation

Educationally Yours,

The Millennium School.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018