CIR - 8

TMS/CIR-8/18-19                                                                             Date: 23rd April 2018

Dear Parents, Greetings!

We are happy to inform you that our school is now a member of ScoolStars ( Scool Stars TM is the first institutionalized platform created to assess, guide, recognize and celebrate students for their special talents.

This is an important step in the direction of our commitment to meaningful holistic education. We strongly believe that recognizing and applauding innate talents of children help them flower and bloom in every field of life. This includes their performance in academics as they gain great self esteem and confidence.

ScoolStars allows our students to show their innate talent (in any of the 60 different talent categories). All they need to do is to capture an image or a video clip showing their talent and upload it on They can register on ScoolStars using our school’s unique membership Pass code mentioned below:


(Please do note that this is a unique pass code for our students and must not be shared with anyone outside of our school)

Every student will receive a feedback from an expert judge and a certificate indicating the child’s proficiency level in the specific talent area. Guidance and inputs will also be provided to all children to better their proficiency levels in their talent area. Students who show promising talent have a chance to be recognized and celebrated as ScoolStars TM of the year, at the School level and then at a National level, in each of the talent categories and age levels.

We encourage all our students to participate and show their talents without any hesitation, even if their proficiency level is at a beginner level. The assessment feedback provided by expert judges of ScoolStars TM, will help them develop in their area of interest and motivate them to do better. (Also please do note that the audition will only been seen and assessed by expert judges and not by any other person outside). Please do note that ScoolStars TM charges a nominal one time fees of Rs 300/- only for assessment, feedback, certification ,

Rating and ranking, while uploading the audition clip and this can be paid online directly to ScoolStars TM.

Please also do note that the last date for uploading talent clips is June 20th 2018.  To know how to register and upload a talent clip, please visit and view the Explainer Videos on the home page. (Students of member schools)

Looking forward to celebrate our children for everything they are passionate about.

For any further assistant, please contact Mr.Manindra Dubey - 8085188334

Educationally Yours,

The Millennium Interact Board.

Monday, April 23, 2018