Dispersal Timing Circular

Dear Parent

Greetings from the Millennium fraternity!

We have always taken stringent measures to ensure the safety and security of students under our care at TMS, Noida-119 and your cooperation is the key in making our efforts more efficient.

Please note there are few changes in the dispersal of students, no parent will be allowed inside the school gate during the dispersal from 5th October’17, you all are requested to come at your allotted time slot with your parent ID card and collect your ward from the gate itself. The students will be lined up outside for the dispersal along with their respective class teacher accordingly.

The time slots are mentioned below-


Classes  Pre-Nursery,  Nursery A,  Nursery B, Nursery C

11:50- 11:55 AM

Nursery D,  KG A, KG B, KG C

11:55-12.00 Noon

Classes I A, I B, II A

2:20-2:25 PM

Classes III A, III B, IV A, IV B, VA

2:25- 2:30 PM

Wednesday, October 4, 2017