A new crop of statesmen honed their skills at TMSMUN’15,Model United Nations organized by The Millennium School, Lucknow on 8th and 9th of May,2015.The smell of confidence, the taste of freshness, the crisp apparels and the noise of rebuttal all invited us to the glorifying event of MUN! Model UN is a fast-growing competitive activity for many students. Malala, Narendra Modi, Barack Obama and many such respected diplomats have made it to the international table. But the world today waits to what today’s gen-X can add to the international forum and hence this mock United Nations Conference.

The Principal of the school, Dr. Manjula Goswami acquainted the guests and delegates of different committees to the educational significance of organizing such events. She gifted the gavels of power to all the Chairpersons. The Secretary General of TMSMUN ,Vatsal Jhunjhunwala and the Deputy Secretary General, Satwik Agarwal promised a hypnotic and unparalleled experience to all delegates. Mr. Gaurav Prakash, Founder Chair person for CII-Young Indians graced the closing ceremony of the event. He appreciated the students and took account of the unequalled effort of the MUNners.

Five committees comprised TMSMUN’15.Each committee was packed with delegates of undaunting chutzpah and endless rhetoric.


UNGA took up the issue of Drone warfare, apprehending solutions and resolutions to safeguard the interest of underdeveloped countries plagued by the armies of Titanic world powers. Albeit, the committee agenda sounds too mundane and informative for a day , it posed a funny sight to watch delegates of rival countries exchanging friendly hugs , chits; also involving the sombre chair in their personal jokes. Pratham Mehrotra, the Chair person chose the delegate of The United States of America as the Best Delegate.


UNSC has always been an interesting platform witnessing the extreme sides of all countries and their defence. The agenda for the committee was Al Qaeda Cell Reemergence in Iraq (ISIS). With sarcasm in the air, confusion surrounding the new delegates, motions for entertainment out numbering the formal debating , the committee was on fire. Who said it would be just battling and no fun! The Chair person, Izhan chose the delegate representing Algeria as the Best Delegate.


Although not an actual extension of UNO , this committee of Joint Crisis revisited World War II, digging into the past of  Allied and Axis powers. It brought to the floor the riveting war plans of both camps, throwing in a crisis situation to further stimulate impulse reactions. Chair persons, Arnav and Adarsh Gangwar chose the delegates of USSR and the USA as Best Delegates.




The delegates at NATO RUSSIA COUNCIL brainstormed on THE CRIMEAN CRISIS. . They argued and raised pertinent issues, like seasoned politicians. It requires great prudence and equanimity to plan strategies to turn the tables at a political forum. The Chair person, Zohrain chose the delegate of U.S.S.R as the Best delegate.

AlPPM (All India Political Parties Meet)

The agenda for AIPPM was immensely sensitive. It involved a review of section SECTION 377 OF THE INDIAN PENAL CODE WITH A SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON HOMOSEXUALITY. The students passed resolutions and motions with imperturbable self-assurance. The young but astute politicians left the audience spell-bound with their acumen and sharpness at public speaking. Nitin Wadhwa, Chair person, chose the delegate enacting Mr. Rajnath Singh as the Best Delegate.

Seth M.R Jaipuria was adjudged THE BEST DELEGATION. The Model United Nations has always carried a buzz around itself with students of various institutes desiring to be a part of it, desiring to meet new people, expanding social circles and imbibing global knowledge. It has transformed individuals into leaders and students into delegates. It has inspired all of us whether as mentors or mentee to speak our minds without a spot of fear and cultivate peace. It introduced us to a world of diplomats educating us about the Alpha to Omega of global politics. The Millennium School proudly declared the event a huge success and a win opportunity for both the guests and the host by giving everybody, the pleasure of being able to spend two eventful days of fun debating. All stressful arguments and resolutions on Day 2 culminated with a vibrant social in the evening.



Friday, May 8, 2015