Teacher Training on Classroom Management

Teacher Training on Classroom Management

Training is a powerful way to sharpen the mental saw. Sharing our thoughts, experiences, insights, and learnings promotes mental clarity, exactness, context along with building team spirit.’
Classroom management is the art of dealing with problems positively and looking for solutions together so that everyone is involved and willing to find a remedy. When on one hand Covid 19 has left an indelible mark on the young minds still struggling to adapt to the new routines after a gap of two years in the physical school, the other hand has a huge responsibility that lies with the facilitators to handle the emotional as well as psychological needs of the students.
To empower the facilitators to the needs of changing times Ms Nandini Malhotra, the Vice Principal (The Millennium School, Amritsar) took an enriching session on ‘Classroom Management’ on 1St June. She shared various innovative ways to engage the students along with techniques to address various intellectual and emotional needs of the students. It was an engrossing session that forced all to put their thinking hats on.

Sunday, June 5, 2022